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300 спартанцев: самые употребляемые английские слова

300 спартанцев: самые употребляемые английские слова

ТОП-50 Существительных

Существительное Перевод Пример употребления
time время What time is it?
person человек She is a nice person.
year год Last year was amazing.
way способ There is no way to do that.
day день Today is a special day.
thing вещь What is this thing?
man мужчина The man is walking his dog.
woman женщина The woman is reading a book.
child ребёнок The child is playing in the park.
world мир The world is beautiful.
life жизнь Life is full of surprises.
hand рука Raise your hand if you agree.
part часть It's a part of the project.
child ребёнок The child is laughing.
eye глаз She has beautiful eyes.
woman женщина The woman is a doctor.
place место This is a nice place.
work работа He loves his work.
week неделя Next week is my birthday.
case случай In this case, we should proceed.
point точка You made a good point.
government правительство The government is making new laws.
company компания She works for a big company.
number номер What is your phone number?
group группа We formed a study group.
problem проблема He has a problem to solve.
fact факт That's a strange fact.
beard борода He has a long beard.
house дом They live in a big house.
car машина She bought a new car.
money деньги I need more money.
minute минута Just give me a minute.
story история This is a fascinating story.
issue вопрос We need to discuss this issue.
side сторона Which side do you support?
kind вид What kind of music do you like?
head голова He nodded his head.
light свет The light is too bright.
line линия The line is too long.
end конец This is the end of the road.
member член She is a member of the club.
year год The year has been challenging.
service услуга The service was excellent.
area область We explored the area.
activity деятельность It's a fun activity.
force сила This force is strong.
top верх The top of the mountain is snowy.
bottom низ He is at the bottom of the list.
answer ответ Can you provide an answer?
power власть They have a lot of power in the company.
goal цель Reach your goals!

ТОП-50 Прилагательных

Прилагательное Перевод Пример употребления
good хороший This is a good book.
new новый She bought a new car.
first первый He was the first person to arrive.
last последний This is the last chance.
long долгий The road is long and winding.
great великий They had a great time at the party.
little маленький She has a little dog.
old старый This is an old building.
bad плохой The weather is bad today.
young молодой He is a young artist.
high высокий The mountain is high.
small малый They live in a small house.
short короткий The letter was short.
strong сильный He is a strong person.
happy счастливый She looks happy today.
sad грустный He feels sad about the news.
easy легкий This task is easy.
difficult сложный The exam was difficult.
early ранний He arrived early to the meeting.
late поздний She was late for work.
nice приятный It was a nice surprise.
interesting интересный The book is really interesting.
busy занятый The office is very busy today.
cheerful веселый She has a cheerful personality.
dark темный The room is dark without lights.
light светлый This room is very light and airy.
clean чистый The house is clean and tidy.
dirty грязный His clothes are dirty after playing outside.
clear понятный The instructions are clear.
confusing запутанный The rules are confusing.
sharp острый This knife is very sharp.
dull тупой The pencil is dull and needs sharpening.
rich богатый He is a rich man.
poor бедный They live in a poor neighborhood.
funny смешной The movie was really funny.
calm спокойный She remained calm during the storm.
wild дикий The wild animals roam freely.
brave смелый He is a brave firefighter.
lazy ленивый She is too lazy to exercise.
quiet тихий The library is a quiet place.
loud громкий The music was too loud.
friendly дружелюбный He is a very friendly person.
polite вежливый She is always polite to strangers.
rude грубый His comments were rude.
safe безопасный It is safe to walk here at night.
dangerous опасный This road can be dangerous.

ТОП-50 Наречий

  1. very - очень - He was very happy with his exam results.
  2. really - действительно - She really enjoys reading in her free time.
  3. often - часто - They often go for a walk in the park.
  4. always - всегда - He always arrives early to meetings.
  5. never - никогда - She never forgets to call her parents.
  6. sometimes - иногда - He sometimes plays the guitar in the evenings.
  7. soon - вскоре - They will soon finish the project.
  8. late - поздно - She arrived late because of traffic.
  9. early - рано - They usually wake up early on weekends.
  10. quickly - быстро - He quickly solved the challenging puzzle.
  11. quietly - тихо - She spoke quietly so as not to disturb anyone.
  12. easily - легко - He can easily complete the task alone.
  13. happily - счастливо - They happily celebrated their anniversary together.
  14. sadly - грустно - She sadly said goodbye to her friends.
  15. carefully - осторожно - He carefully examined the painting.
  16. probably - вероятно - They will probably go on vacation next month.
  17. possibly - возможно - It’s possibly going to rain later today.
  18. absolutely - абсолютно - She is absolutely sure about her decision.
  19. finally - наконец - They finally reached their destination after a long journey.
  20. particularly - особенно - He particularly enjoys playing soccer.
  21. simply - просто - She simply wants to help her community.
  22. naturally - естественно - He naturally excels in mathematics.
  23. extremely - крайне - This task is extremely important for his career.
  24. literally - буквально - She was literally shocked by the news.
  25. significantly - значительно - The results significantly improved over last year.
  26. frequently - часто - They frequently visit their grandparents.
  27. basically - в основном - It’s basically a straightforward concept.
  28. ultimately - в конечном счете - Ultimately, they decided to stay home.
  29. randomly - случайно - He randomly picked a book from the shelf.
  30. privately - наедине - She prefers to discuss matters privately.
  31. publicly - публично - He spoke publicly about the issue.
  32. suddenly - внезапно - The lights suddenly went out.
  33. thoroughly - тщательно - She thoroughly checked her answers before submitting.
  34. remarkably - замечательно - He remarkably improved his skills over the summer.
  35. relatively - относительно - The test was relatively easy for her.
  36. intentionally - намеренно - He intentionally avoided the topic during the meeting.
  37. occasionally - время от времени - They occasionally meet for coffee after work.
  38. technically - технически - It’s technically more complex than it seems.
  39. dramatically - драматически - The weather changed dramatically overnight.
  40. easily - легко - She easily handled the difficult questions.
  41. directly - напрямую - He spoke directly to the manager about his concerns.
  42. surprisingly - удивительно - Surprisingly, she won first place in the competition.
  43. broadly - широко - The policy broadly affects all employees.
  44. typically - типично - They typically spend their summers traveling.
  45. frequently - часто - He frequently travels for business.
  46. consistently - последовательно - She consistently delivers high-quality work.
  47. predominantly - преимущественно - The team predominantly consists of experienced professionals.
  48. occasionally - время от времени - He occasionally helps his neighbor with chores.
  49. visibly - заметно - She was visibly upset after the meeting.
  50. directly - напрямую - He answered the questions directly without hesitation.

ТОП-50 Глаголов

  1. be - быть - He wants to be a doctor in the future.
  2. have - иметь - She has a beautiful garden behind her house.
  3. do - делать - He does his homework every evening.
  4. say - сказать - She says she will come to the party.
  5. get - получить - He gets a new car every few years.
  6. make - делать - She makes delicious cakes for her friends.
  7. go - идти - He goes to the gym three times a week.
  8. know - знать - She knows the answer to the question.
  9. take - брать - He takes his dog for a walk every morning.
  10. see - видеть - She sees her friends at the cafe every weekend.
  11. come - приходить - He comes home late from work.
  12. think - думать - She thinks that the movie is fantastic.
  13. look - смотреть - He looks at the stars every night.
  14. want - хотеть - She wants to learn how to play the piano.
  15. give - давать - He gives his time to help the community.
  16. use - использовать - She uses her phone to check the news.
  17. find - находить - He finds joy in spending time with his family.
  18. tell - рассказывать - She tells interesting stories to her children.
  19. ask - спрашивать - He asks his teacher for help with the assignment.
  20. work - работать - She works in a large company downtown.
  21. seem - казаться - It seems that they are very happy together.
  22. feel - чувствовать - He feels excited about the upcoming trip.
  23. try - пробовать - She tries to eat healthy foods every day.
  24. leave - покидать - He leaves for work early in the morning.
  25. call - звать - She calls her parents every Sunday.
  26. keep - хранить - He keeps his promises to his friends.
  27. let - позволять - She lets her children play outside after school.
  28. begin - начинать - He begins his day with a good breakfast.
  29. help - помогать - She helps her neighbors with their groceries.
  30. talk - говорить - He talks to his friends on the phone every night.
  31. turn - поворачивать - She turns off the lights when leaving the room.
  32. start - начинать - He starts his new job next week.
  33. show - показывать - She shows her photos from vacation to her friends.
  34. hear - слышать - He hears the birds singing in the morning.
  35. play - играть - She plays the violin beautifully.
  36. run - бегать - He runs in the park every morning.
  37. move - двигаться - She moves to a new apartment next month.
  38. live - жить - He lives in a cozy neighborhood.
  39. believe - верить - She believes in the power of education.
  40. hold - держать - He holds the door open for others.
  41. happen - происходить - It happens that they are both at the same event.
  42. write - писать - She writes articles for a popular magazine.
  43. provide - предоставлять - He provides excellent customer service.
  44. sit - сидеть - She sits at her desk and works on her projects.
  45. stand - стоять - He stands in line to buy tickets for the concert.
  46. lose - терять - She loses her keys often.
  47. pay - платить - He pays the bills every month.
  48. meet - встречать - She meets her friends at the coffee shop.
  49. include - включать - He includes everyone in the discussion.
  50. continue - продолжать - She continues her studies in biology.

ТОП-50 Предлогов

  1. of - из - The cover of the book is very interesting.
  2. in - в - He lives in New York City.
  3. to - к - She is going to the store.
  4. for - для - This gift is for you.
  5. with - с - He is going with his friends.
  6. on - на - The cat is on the roof.
  7. at - на - They arrived at the party late.
  8. by - рядом - The book was written by a famous author.
  9. about - о - She is reading a book about history.
  10. as - как - He works as a teacher in a school.
  11. from - от - This letter is from my grandmother.
  12. into - в - She walked into the room quietly.
  13. over - над - The plane flew over the mountains.
  14. after - после - He went home after the movie.
  15. before - перед - She always washes her hands before meals.
  16. under - под - The dog is hiding under the table.
  17. between - между - The park is between the two buildings.
  18. among - среди - She is happy among her friends.
  19. during - во время - They met during the conference.
  20. without - без - He can’t live without his phone.
  21. against - против - She stands against injustice.
  22. throughout - на протяжении - They traveled throughout Europe last summer.
  23. within - в пределах - The answer lies within the text.
  24. like - как - He sings like a professional.
  25. until - до - Wait here until I come back.
  26. along - вдоль - They walked along the river.
  27. past - мимо - She walked past the library on her way home.
  28. near - рядом - There is a café near their house.
  29. up - вверх - The balloon floated up into the sky.
  30. down - вниз - He climbed down the ladder carefully.
  31. across - через - She swam across the lake.
  32. through - через - They walked through the park together.
  33. inside - внутри - He found the keys inside his bag.
  34. outside - снаружи - The children played outside in the sun.
  35. along with - вместе с - She came along with her brother.
  36. prior to - до - Prior to the meeting, they prepared their notes.
  37. instead of - вместо - He went to the cinema instead of the concert.
  38. according to - согласно - According to the report, sales increased.
  39. due to - из-за - The game was canceled due to rain.
  40. like - как - He acts like he knows everything.
  41. except - кроме - Everyone attended the meeting except John.
  42. onto - на - She jumped onto the bus just in time.
  43. out of - из - They ran out of the building quickly.
  44. up to - до - It’s up to you to decide.
  45. with regard to - относительно - With regard to your question, I will find the answer.
  46. in front of - перед - The car parked in front of the house.
  47. in back of - за - There is a garden in back of the house.
  48. next to - рядом с - The bookstore is next to the café.
  49. far from - далеко от - The school is far from their home.
  50. instead - вместо - Instead of coffee, she chose tea.
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